Escape from Marinaland
It is the end of our Winter stay in Aghios Nikolaos and we made our escape Marinaland a couple of weeks ago and are really enjoying being...
West to refuge...and Raki
Having spent a couple of weeks in Epidavros harbour on anchor and visiting the sites, we left this very "velcro port" to head further...
The mixed-media mistral
It is "Meltemi" time of year in the Aegean, a North East wind that blows for 2 or 3 days to three weeks in the summer, depending on the...
All aboard Big Ron!
The Jacaranda trees are now in full flower and the Jasmin fills the morning air. Spring in Greece is very beautiful and aromatic. We've...
Boat prep, painting and peach blossom
After painstaking work on our engine, and gymnastics of hoisting and positioning the engine back in the boat, my other half has the...
Busy at the boatyard
My travelling studio is now high and dry in a Greek boatyard in the Western Aegean. Our boat's engine is currently on the ground inside a...
From Milford to the Med: our trip so far
In May 2005 my partner and I set sail from Milford Haven in Wales. In the two years previous we'd juggled a major rebuild of our Wharram...